In short, you will find in this section detailed information about the results of the project. These are the expected results:

- Young people with a different cultural background, taking part in the local activities, will experiment an engaging opportunity to interact with other young people, finding common ways of communication, interaction, mutual understanding and collaboration.
- Interative platform: to facilitate participants from all partners countries exchange their ideas, their outcomes and their materials on the ongoing activities (at local and transnational level), that will remain after the project’s lifespan as a repository of good practices developed during the project and as e-training tool for further Youth Workers and Young People who’d like to approach the methodology.
- Built with open source tools, we use WordPress, Moodle and BigBlueButton for website, Learning Environment and Meeting platform, all integrated and accessible from here.
- A manual that will collect the results of the projects, the specific challenges and solutions implemented, in order to further spread it at national and international level, particularly addressed to Youth Organisations and Public Authorities that should be interested in creating local intercultural workshops aimed at social inclusion of young people.
- A virtual network of all organisations, associations, informal youth groups working with theatre and performative arts as tools for social inclusion and intercultural dialogue.
Internationalization of a new methodology.- A free online learning journey about theatre methodology for social inclusion, specifically designed for youth workers who want to learn about performative arts for intercultural exchange and inclusion.
- An interactive digital performance co-created with young participants.