Welcome to the ACTin’YouTH website!

The main objective of ACTin’YouTH is to foster youth workers’ intercultural competences with theatrical methodologies aimed at creating local theatre workshops for the social inclusion of young people with different cultural background at risk of social exclusion.

We invite youth workers and youngsters (aged 18-30) to join us in order to participate in the several activities that will be developed within this project.

Youth workers will improve their competences on the field of non-violent communication, conflict resolution and facilitation, and they will get better communicative skills through theatrical methodologies as well as storytelling circles. Intercultural communication competences and innovative approaches for the engagament of disadvantaged or underrepresented groups will be the key to tackle discrimination and social exclusion.

Youngsters will participate in a very rich environment set out in the theatre workshops, and improve their skills and Lifecomp competences. Theatre workshops, an interactive platform and several activities will be a great opportunity to interact, exchange ideas, materials and create a final digital performance.

Creativity and performing methodologies will help us to put in practice intercultural dialogue as an alternative way of expressing ourselves and the cultural traits of the groups we belong to.

Are you joining us?